April Favorites



Summer of ‘69 by Elin Hilderbrand - Honestly, a beachy novel was the perfect thing for my mind and heart right now. This book wasn’t the best thing I’ve ever read and didn’t earn a permanent place on my shelf, but it was light and breezy and kept me reading instead of scrolling.


For The Love with Jen Hatmaker - “Jordan Lee Dooley Chases The Dream and Owns It.


To Have and To Hold by Molly Millwood - Molly is a clinical psychologist who takes a close look at the intersection of marriage, motherhood and the modern dilemma. It’s a smart, accessible, honest take on what it’s like to be a wife, mother and woman in our modern day.


Little Women - I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I liked the movie better than the book. My imagination was busy conjuring up worst case scenarios and could not also take on the task of taking me into Civil War era New England. This made it perfect timing for watching the movie.

TV Series

Virgin River - I watched the first episode on a whim and got super into it. For me, it was the kind of story I could climb in for a while and escape the chaos both inside and outside my four walls. Apparently this show is based on a book series. I really enjoyed the story and am looking forward to the next season. It kind of reminded me of a darker, more dramatic Hart Of Dixie.


Watching her stumble around in the spring grass chasing after Hank. Lucy’s moved from taking a few steps now and then to walking everywhere all the time and she’s eager to test out her legs in the green space in our neighborhood. I love watching her explore the world.

everyday luxury

Beautycounter Charcoal Mask + Meiomi Pinot Noir + Dark Chocolate + a great read. The ultimate post bedtime reward.


Sitting on the grass in the sun with Jeff, Hank and Lucy. We’d been throwing the ball for Hank on a perfect spring Saturday afternoon and for a minute, I forgot about everything that’s hard and scary and uncertain right now. Not only was I surrounded by the ones I love the most, but I was present enough in mind and soul to notice it.


Stupid Deep - both the original by Jon Bellion and the cover by Anthem Lights

If I Had Words - Nigel Westlake. Yes. The song from Babe. I cannot help how much I love this song.

Religion - Colton Avery


“Never despise the days of small beginnings” - Emily P. Freeman, A Million Little Ways

trader joe’s product

Elote Corn Dippers with Mexican-Style Street Corn Seasoning - They are the perfect chip. I think I could eat the whole bag at once. In fact, I know I could. They’re the perfect balance of savory and spicy with a whisper of sweetness.


Jaybird Vista Earbuds - In the spirit of full disclosure, I actually bought these back in October with some birthday money, but I had an issue with them this month and when I reached out to the company, not only did they send me a replacement pair without making me jump through a million hoops, they were friendly and easy to work with. In fact, instead of having me break the charging case and send them a picture as proof that they were actually broken, they let me hold off on breaking them so I could use the one bud that still worked until my replacement pair arrived.

They come in super handy for everything from listening to podcasts on walks to talking to friends on the phone while trying to entertain a grumpy toddler.


Trader Joe’s Sweet Potato Gnocchi + Chicken Sausage + Pesto via this recipe from the kitchn. So quick. So simple. So delicious.